Does Animal-Assisted Therapy Really Work?

ديسمبر 6, 2023

Tracie is advanced certified through the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA) and abides by their code of ethics and standards. However, in most cases, animals in pet therapy programs are typically screened for behavior and health. The benefits of pet therapy for seniors also include increased opportunities for exercise as well as socializing and outdoor activities. This, in turn, helps them achieve better cognitive function—thereby reducing their vulnerability to cognitive impairment and memory disorders (such as dementia).

Therefore, the identification of patients receiving AAI should be carefully conducted. On the contrary, other works did not explicitly refer to any of these procedures. Indeed, detailed information regarding the health surveillance protocols are desirable in order to correctly evaluate the considered interventions.

  1. This protocol included a wide range of potential employed animals, including dogs, cats, fishes, rabbits, reptiles and other rodents [42].
  2. This article does not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
  3. After the visit, the participants again completed the same survey they had completed prior to the pet visit.
  4. Oxytocin also increases in humans when we spend time with animals; we naturally feel better when they are around (Compitus, 2021a).
  5. On the contrary, the AAT sessions are strictly organized considering both the activity type and the duration.

This book is a must for anyone who wants to know more about the process behind AAT and the human–animal bond. This book by Dr. Chandler explains human–animal relational theory and how different treatment models can be integrated with AAT. The tactile stimulation involved in petting an animal reflects a child’s need for a transitional object, such as a baby blanket, that provides a tactile sense of security (Winnicott, 1953). The Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship is a well-established international certifying agency for equine therapy. The International Institute of Animal-Assisted Play Therapy also has a very strong equine therapy certification program.

The therapeutic use of animals has been debated for decades, and its use explored in a variety of settings and populations. Evidence based knowledge is essential to implement effective strategies in hospital. This review focused on the use of animal programs for hospitalized patients, and considered the potential risks. Animal therapy or pet therapy refers to the use of animals as a way to help people cope with and recover from some physical and mental health conditions. Animal Assisted Therapy is conducted by licensed practitioners like psychotherapists, social workers, or other mental health experts.

An Introduction to Animal-Assisted Psychotherapy

Two studies investigated the prevalence of infective agents in pet-visitation animals in hospitals or in long-term care facilities [17], [44]. The first investigation is a broader survey that considered all the hospitals located in the Ontario region with a pet visitation program. In particular, this investigation analyzed aural, nasal, oral, pharyngeal and rectal swabs of over 100 visitation dogs, identifying Clostridium Difficile as the most common isolated organism [17]. Moreover, 17% of these isolates were indistinguishable from the toxigenic microorganisms responsible of the human disease.

AAT can be especially effective for people who used to have dogs or other animals but are no longer able to care for their own animal. Being in the presence of pets again can help remind can you overdose on lad people of the love they had for previous animals, stirring memories and reducing loneliness. People of any age can see benefits from interacting with animals in a psychotherapy setting.

Benefits of Animal Assisted Therapy.

Some requirements may include training certification, registration, insurance, or vaccination. They may also support people with physical health conditions in coping with those conditions’ emotional and mental components, or helping to reduce the amount of medication they take. A study in Psychogeriatrics found that dog assisted therapy in long-term elderly care facilities helped reduce symptoms of depression. The research suggests that the dogs help facilitate social interaction and create positive emotional responses. Rehabilitation centers may partner with therapy animals and their handlers to help patients achieve faster rehab and get home more quickly.

Table of Contents

For example, horses can pose significant dangers due to their weight and size, especially for children. Some people may experience allergies to some animals or their environments, such as dogs, horses, and hay. Studies have shown animal-assisted psychotherapy also has a positive impact on aging individuals and the elderly.

Additionally, therapy animals that visit hospitals and other long-term facilities may be carriers of certain infections or diseases. There may be a chance of them spreading these infections to other people, making thorough testing important for any animal. Therapy animals are also showing up in schools, especially schools that work with special-needs students. Teachers and therapists find that students make greater gains when working with animals. Bringing trained service animals into these programs and schools can help these students achieve greater social and academic performance, so this practice is becoming more common. When someone is dealing with a serious medical or mental health condition, they face a significant amount of stress.

The main limitations were linked to the heterogeneity of the retrieved studies considering both the outcomes and the quality, making the comparison quite difficult. Indeed, in accordance with previous reviews [4], [15], the previous cited findings are limited by the overall low quality of the retrieved studies. Moreover, most of the included papers presented limited samples that could affect the overall results. Therefore, more studies are required to completely describe the potential effects of AAI. In fact, some studies lacked of a control group [7], [14], [20], [33], while others were pilot studies considering limited samples [10], [11], [21].

Research from 2016 has also linked animal-assisted therapy to improved blood flow in people experiencing heart failure. Or, it may take a more active role, like when a therapy client interacts with the animal by grooming it or walking with it. If you’ve ever felt comforted by your family pet, you’ve had a glimpse into the benefits of animal-assisted therapy. Studies suggest that people who pet animals experience the release of serotonin, prolactin and oxytocin hormones that can play a part in elevating moods.